Be aware when using your credit card when buying food at this place, I have gotten charged twice by them saying me, " that your car did not go through, please reinsert", me knowing that the register accepted my transaction because I saw it on the monitor screen when I finished paying. At this time I paid no mine of it, but I had gut feeling That something was wrong, so I decided to check my bank account for any transactions, and sure enough, they charge me twice for the food. I went back to the manager showing him the transactions on my phone asking him why did they charge me twice, so he said it was a mistake, and to wait a week for the bank to give me my refund which it never happened, and him being rude about it. I waited two week just to give him enough time to refund my money back and they never refunding me my money. So I had to call my bank and file a complaint which after a week I got my money back. This also happened to one of my coworkers that went to get food at this restaurant. I suggest if you're paying by card, Do not reinsert your card check your back statement to make sure the charges went through. Be safe and know what you're paying for. If you can, pay cash. Be aware, that's all!
True Journey
November 10, 2024
The food taste is amazing, and is a reasonable price! I highly recommend this place, my new favorite restaurant!!
Vicente Calvillo
January 02, 2025
Too many options for authentic dominican food service is good.
Seaklong Yin
July 19, 2024
This place is a great place to get Spanish food in the area.
Q ball
July 04, 2023
Very good food service was fast the waitress was very nice and friendly the atmosphere was good the place was nice and clean food was fresh Wood recommend to try it
Our Address
25 Canal St, Nashua, NH 03064, USA
Claim Listing: El Tipico Restaurant
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Be aware when using your credit card when buying food at this place, I have gotten charged twice by them saying me, " that your car did not go through, please reinsert", me knowing that the register accepted my transaction because I saw it on the monitor screen when I finished paying. At this time I paid no mine of it, but I had gut feeling That something was wrong, so I decided to check my bank account for any transactions, and sure enough, they charge me twice for the food. I went back to the manager showing him the transactions on my phone asking him why did they charge me twice, so he said it was a mistake, and to wait a week for the bank to give me my refund which it never happened, and him being rude about it. I waited two week just to give him enough time to refund my money back and they never refunding me my money. So I had to call my bank and file a complaint which after a week I got my money back. This also happened to one of my coworkers that went to get food at this restaurant. I suggest if you're paying by card, Do not reinsert your card check your back statement to make sure the charges went through. Be safe and know what you're paying for. If you can, pay cash. Be aware, that's all!
The food taste is amazing, and is a reasonable price! I highly recommend this place, my new favorite restaurant!!
Too many options for authentic dominican food service is good.
This place is a great place to get Spanish food in the area.
Very good food service was fast the waitress was very nice and friendly the atmosphere was good the place was nice and clean food was fresh Wood recommend to try it